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KW JEWELLERY 2009 Reading Dad's post about treating people as individuals reminded me of sitting in Air New Zealand's LAX lounge a few years ago. I was working on my laptop when this attractive woman sat down next to me and asked if I had the wireless login. Sorry," I said, "the wifi is playing up - you'll need a cable from the front desk". She turned her computer towards me and said, "It's OK, I have a Mac". :) "So do I, but you'll still need a cable," I said. "Look, I have to go confirm my seat - I'll get one for you." She smiled and said thank you. A few minutes later I returned and helped her get her computer online. She even asked if I could help her set up her vacation mail, which I did. Anyway time passed and I went back to where my sister Adrienne was sitting. I looked up and there in front of me was Will from the Black Eyed Peas. My heart skipped a beat as I realised I'd just been helping Fergie. The reason I tell this story is to point out that in business as in life you do need to watch your blind spots! You need to focus not just on what's in the distance but what's right in front of you. I'm not sure what happened that day. Was the geek in me wanting to help someone with their Mac, or the boy in me wanting to help a beautiful woman? All I know for sure is that by the time I'd recovered they'd been called for their flight and I'd missed the chance to get Fergie's autograph for my daughter.
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