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CATEGORY: Loves not enough

A lot of our customers are doing great things on Instagram. A great platform for photographers! And we love it when we see our albums and products on the #queensberryalbums tag. It reminds us why we love what we do. Below, we've shared a few recent favourites. Keep em' coming! Add #queensberryalbums to all your Queensberry images on Instagram for your own chance to be featured on our page (@queensberrynz). Absolutely in love with this spread! @queensberrynz #siempre #siempreweddings #albumisready #album #design #queensberry To View More >>

If you want people to come looking for what’s desirable, not what’s cheapest, build your studio on high-end values. I recently visited an Audi dealership, not to buy a new car, but to learn how Audi sell their beautiful vehicles. Predictably I left desiring something I'd never considered before, and sold on Audi. My intention was to test drive the Audi Q5, but the salesperson suggested that the Q7 might be more comfortable for my height, so out in a Q7 we went. But not just any Q7, a Q7 Premium Plus with sport options! It was more amazing than I can describe … To View More >>

As a social photographer, it's so easy to get caught up working for clients and watching our bottom line that creative inspiration can become just another item on our To Do list. So how can we stay inspired, and so do our best work for clients, without getting burned out? How can we fill our 'creative well' regularly?' as Julia Cameron from The Artist's Way would ask. There is a way and it's called Instagram. As long as you can get online, inspiration can be yours in a non-stop stream of talent and buzzing creativity. When Instagram first arrived, it was known for its over-processed To View More >>

I subscribe to an email newsletter by Bernie Griffiths that I really enjoy. Why? Because Bernie knows what he’s talking about. A very successful professional photographer in Melbourne for many years, he now offers seminars, workshops and mentoring services. Each email is a brief, well-written piece of advice that could have helped so many people we’ve seen enter this industry and struggle over the last forty years. Sound marketing and business practices are key, and even if you disagree with Bernie he’ll make you think. If you like the following, be sure to subscribe at To View More >>

If you’re building a career in photography we’ve published some great articles by highly successful people here lately. Here’s a quick run-through — starting with Justine Ungaro and The Edmonsons because they’re giving Master Classes at WPPI next week. Please don’t miss them — they’ll be great value — and please don’t miss their sponsors either — Queensberry! Catch up with Stephen and Sonya at Booth 1365 in the Marquee Ballroom. Justine’s WPPI class is about moving to a new market, but her article for Queensberry is To View More >>
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