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Andrew Gardner posted a thoughtful comment on a recent post of mine in which I talked about a member of the public asking if I would sell her a Queensberry album. He's concerned that Queensberry's aim to build their brand amongst brides might turn the albums into a commodity and encourage discounting (eg "click here for cheapest QBY albums!") His thoughts probably reflect the concerns of many photographers. He says, Obviously we can't be complacent and we should always be thinking of unique and original ways to make ourselves stand out. But I have a niggling feeling that what Queensberry thought would help us out will actually work against us. Certainly the request I received smacks of a search for a commodity. It is the inevitable outcome of the Shoot and Burn mentality where brides end up with files and nowhere to put them. It is up to us to make the difference. Yes the Queensberry album is wonderful, but it is the story told within its pages that makes the difference. The importance of the story can never be overemphasised. Like a Queensberry, a Moleskine is a lovely book of empty pages until you start writing truths in it ... that's when it becomes something personal, valuable, and meaningful. When people come to you as a photographer it is because you are what they are looking for. If Queensberry has done its job right your potential client will recognise your use of Queensberry products as a mark of excellence. As the channel by which one must purchase a Queensberry product photographers have the opportunity to impact the outcome of that purchase by adding their own influence. We are dealing with that situation ourselves with somebody who had a commercial photographer friend shoot their wedding. They wanted a Queensberry album but their friend washed his hands of any responsibility beyond handing over the files. Nobody can stop the bride from hunting down the best price ... we certainly know that brides do the same when trying to get a photographer. This part of human nature will always surface. Resourceful brides are inevitable and if they consider the album a commodity - and possibly also the photographer who handed them their digital files - at that point we, rather than Queensberry, are in control of the situation. The sad truth is that there will also always be a 'resourceful' photographer willing to turn Queensberry products into commodities. But I understand that Queensberry does not look on that behaviour favourably. It is in their interest to look after you, the channel, because without you they are just a good looking, but storyless, book seller. Cheers, Johannes
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February 24, 2010, 4:21 am
"If Queensberry has done its job right your potential client will recognise your use of Queensberry products as a mark of excellence."

Agree with this - although our fear is that with all the photographers who are using Queensberry Albums the niche element of using QBY albums may become diluted.

There are many photographers who using QBY albums as a 'platinum-star-super-duluxe-top-package' option to their offering rather than using QBY albums across all their weddings. I think this is one of the big threats to the brand as the album IS available at different price points and peoples perceptions of the brand may therefore be in conflict.

Not long after we started up 6 years ago, I remember chatting with Jo about going down the route of only offering QBY albums. It was a big step for us. But, with hindsight, a hugely sensible one. I think the analogy which Jo used was something along the lines of you wouldn't expect a Rolls Royce dealership to start offering Ford cars as an alternative.

"Ah Sir, if you don't like our Rolls Royce, can I interest you in a Ford Mondeo?" (Apologies Jo if I've mis-quoted you, but I think you get the concept!)

I think in terms of brand preservation, it would be helpful if there were some kind of protection of the 'exclusive' nature of QBY - not just in terms of pricing (which will of course filter some) but that cannot stop somebody investing in one show album and saying that you can do a QBY album if you want to upgrade to it.

QBY is an important partner of ours and I don't know what the answer is as the two elements seem to be in conflict - increased brand recognition and client knowledge of the product along with the commercial realities of business driving QBY forward...
uberVU - social comments
February 18, 2010, 8:06 am
Social comments and analytics for this post... This post was mentioned on Twitter by ianbaugh: The inevitable outcome of the Shoot and Burn mentality where brides end up with files and nowhere to put them: