

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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Well we're delighted with the response and feedback we're getting to the new Directory – and apart from a couple of tweets and one post we haven't even mentioned it. So, some feedback on your feedback. 1. We haven't found anything buggy yet (that's tempting fate). If your listing doesn't show up, you don't have an active account, your web address hasn't been entered or has a typo, you're searching for it in the wrong location or you haven't completed the set-up (especially "Step 1"). The solution to all those is to log on and click on “Set Up Directory Listing”. Do tell people about your studio, and your "location", and add all your contact details. 2. Biggest problem: we've found rather more URLs with typos than we'd like. If you see any that are wrong, especially your own, please fix it (as above) or tell us. 3. Yes, we need to tweak the formatting a bit, especially the website icon – the one we're using now isn't really appropriate. 4. Finally, one or two people have said they'd like to add more than one "location". That's a technical challenge, but … we hear what you're saying (no promises, mind). Meantime, do play. To see what people are doing check out somewhere big like New York or London. Or Auckland ;) Cheers, Ian PS Don't you love the way it knows where you live? That's Google for you.
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Ian Baugh
June 2, 2010, 10:38 am
Hi Nick - I've pointed this out to Stephen, but I'd start off by going back into your account and checking what you entered as location.
Ian Baugh
June 2, 2010, 11:03 am
Oh, it's already working!
Nick Everitt
June 2, 2010, 6:42 am
I think the directories a great idea and I think it looks super too, but it doesn't seem to be working correctly for me at the moment.

My partial details were on there already (company name and website URL) and I logged in and added the remaining information for my listing and accepted the terms and also selected for it to be published now. I got the confirmation message saying if I had requested for it to be published now it would be live on the site, but what I actually found was my listing had vanished completely.

Is there an approval process so it takes some time for listings to be updated, or is there a problem with what I entered?

