

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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This will be our third release in three months - notice a trend? The last two were betas adding the new features you've wanted and now this final builds on them to give a stable platform to start 2010.  So to jog your memory here are a few of our favourites... Photojunction 1.32b (release notes) Alignment got some serious attention (accuracy, stickiness, and clarity) Centering got smart (wings, flips, and panoramic) "Undo" got a speed boost ('nuf said) Photojunction 1.33b (release notes) Start window got a makeover (uploads, blog, store and more) Instant Slideshow got resurrected from Retro (play back while you work) Creating albums from templates got an auto option ( templates + images = done ) Uploading got versatile (now you can re-upload full or partial orders) Preferences got extended (for slideshows, instant slideshow & proof sheets) These represent a lot of work on their own, but I've not mentioned so many other fixes and tweaks - feels like we're getting somewhere.  These are virtually all your suggestions - it's a good feeling to satisfy clients ... but you already know that.  I'll leave you with an email from an old friend, the kind we like to get. Cheers Danny

“To all the PJ dudes – I just found the ” Hide Used Images ” feature.  Most of our albums have 100 plus images in them. I was the SOB that was begging Danny for years to incorporate that feature.

It’s now twice a fast to use with templates.  The share and save templates option now works 100 times faster too. It’s 99.9% there !!!!!”

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Photojunction – new final release « Queensberry Connects
December 19, 2009, 10:51 am
[...] days ago. if you don’t use the beta versions there are lots of treats for you to discover. Click here for a quick intro on The Junction. For Queensberry people the re-upload feature is worth the download all by itself [...]