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We've now released v1.49 to fix a few minor issues in 1.48, but everything in this post is still current - Ed. In case you haven't noticed, we kiwis are very modest ;) Which is why I like announcing stuff that I didn't have much to do with, but I feel really good about, because I can sing its praises without feeling bad about myself! Anyway… The dev team have been busy busy today pushing out a new final release, and I think it's a really good one. They've put a lot of time and effort into refining features first released in v1.47, especially for Queensberry Press Books, but there's some juicy new stuff too. So read on! 1. It's really nice that PJ now remembers open tool panels when you save your work space - even the separate template window and preview – and on separate monitors if that's how you do it. So go ahead, update your workspace! 2. Make sure you check out the goodness under the More Button on the Event window! Divide and Conquer distributes the images across the album layouts based on the number of images you specify per layout. It also splits the images into groups based on the time interval you set. It's now a great time saver in my humble opinion (it wasn't my idea!). 3. You can now design the dust jackets of Queensberry Press Books separately from the cover (you don't have to use the same design on both as you do in ordinary press books). 4. You can now freely design translucent pages in Queensberry Press Books (ie add images and text as on ordinary pages). Add translucents anywhere you like using the button at the bottom of the layout window. You can also download translucent title templates free of charge from the PJ Store. Should you reduce opacity on translucents? Our designers say it depends on the images, the amount of detail in them and whether you want to be able to see through them or not. Many images look good at 100% opacity, and we don't recommend less than 60%. 5. You'll see that we've added new paper stock options for Queensberry Press Books too (Art Tintoretto, Art Nettuno and Pearl Metallic). Art Nettuno is what you saw in the unreleased "art album" that we showed at WPPI and at FOCUS (UK). 6. There are also new cover options for Press Books. By all means have a play. We'll be adding more cover styles next week, and posting images of the new cover and page stocks on the blog, next week. We'll have prices for you then too. 7. We'll show you our new Japanese-inspired Mayu Press Book Case then as well - I think it's beautiful. 8. We're finding more and more users are avoiding Photoshop and doing all their image editing in Lightroom or Aperture. But that means they don't have Photoshop to create their page layouts. To deal with that we've introduced a new "Export, Print and Assemble" service for Queensberry. If you choose the new service PJ will upload the original high-res files to us instead of layouts. We'll then create the layout files for printing at our end. There's no charge for the service, and because we can create layered files we can also offer Full Colour Service printing. Cool eh? 9. We've added a new and improved FTP upload procedure to Queensberry. It's faster, and robust in testing, but in this release, if you prefer you can go back to the existing process (you'll be offered a choice when you hit Send Order). And that's just the major news. You've been asking for a simple list of image names to find files in Lightroom or Aperture, and it's there now. You can space apertures easier based on your defaults in preferences. Check out the release notes to see a full list of tweaks and fixes. With so many new features to show off we're going to do a couple of webinars over the next few weeks to introduce them. Meantime, as always, have a good play and tell us what you think! From everyone at Queensberry, thank you for using Photojunction. Cheers, Ian
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David Medina
April 15, 2011, 1:51 am
Cool! Great to know that PJ is constantly being refine, that a great thing is becoming greater.
The Queensberry Press v2.0 | Queensberry Connects
April 27, 2011, 11:27 am
[...] New Software The Photojunction development team have been really busy working on the software to make this all possible, and you can read about this here. [...]
New release, v1.49 | The Junction
April 27, 2011, 1:23 am
[...] was a busy day at the office getting out v1.49, which fixes a few problems that surfaced in v1.48. But the most exciting thing is that we also published the resources for the Queensberry Press [...]