
This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.

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Last week was fantastic!
Our free design and colour correction announcement generated more comments and support suite enquiries than anything else we've ever done. And it started a lot of conversations with people about how it would work in practice, and how they could use it to increase their sales.
What's driving this free service is the change in our industry, with more photographers adopting the line that albums aren't worth the time and aggravation.
That attitude isn't new, and we think it's always been nonsense, but the best way to challenge it is to eliminate the "time and aggravation", which is what we're doing.
If you choose Queensberry, all you need to think about now is this...
Do I want my work to go out in a beautiful book, and earn some extra cash - or not?
How much cash? Well 85% of our album pricing survey respondents reckon they can sell a Queensberry for at least twice what it cost them. That's for the album only, excluding the post-production work that went into it. Suppose you're a US photographer shooting 30 weddings a year, for example. That's a potential $15,000 to $25,000 extra profit before optional extras, and depending on whether we're talking Flushmounts or Duos for example (not to mention the marketing benefits).
By the way over 15% of respondents think 100% markup is "very easy" to achieve, in fact "much too cheap"...
I began my last email by asking whether you edit images and design albums because you have no choice, or because it adds value and you enjoy it?
If you're doing the work because you enjoy it and it pays well, fantastic. We have the tools to help you do the job.
But if you're doing post-production yourself because you have no choice, now you do!
We're sure that in future we'll be spending a lot less time and energy talking about post-production with customers - and more time doing it! So what's involved?
First, if we're designing and colour correcting the album, you're definitely leaving some of the creative input to us. Yes, we're good at what we do, and yes, you'll still have a say, but will you be ok with that?
If your answer's yes, the next question is, will it work for me? We've been offering hands-on design and colour correction services for years now, and we're so confident about this that we're going to increase the number of uncharged edits from eight to twenty. You can proof and sign off the album with us (and your client) in Workspace. And yes, you can do it all for free if you don't want a paid Workspace plan.
So there you go. If you're doing post-production because you enjoy it and it pays well, we're here to help. But if for you the real payoff is in shooting pictures and selling them, we're making that a whole lot easier.
Cheers, Stephen

Stephen Baugh
September 25, 2013, 10:08 am
That's great news Bruce. Lets keep working together to make this perfect. All the best :-)

Bruce Lim
September 25, 2013, 10:05 am
I like that you have increased the uncharged edits from 8 to 20. I have just finished using the design service for the first time, had a few hiccups along the way as it was my first time, but the customer service was very good (as always) and I am delighted with the album we were able to produce. I found that I wanted a number of changes made prior to me wanting to show the client the first draft. so the unchanged edit increase is a good thing from my point of view.