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Every now and then we see a sample album with images from several weddings in it. We call them "Greatest Hits" albums. Even after discounts a sample album can be a big investment – we know that, especially when you're starting out – but this is not a good idea for at least three reasons. 1. Because it's not what your clients will be buying, it's hard for them to relate to. A bit of a puzzle. 2. Even worse, it's not convincing evidence that you're up to the job. Couldn't you find enough good images from one wedding, they'll be thinking... 3. What an album does is tell a story – of their day, their event. And that disappears completely in a Greatest Hits album. Trust us, you'll get much more bangs for your buck if your new sample puts in their hands exactly what you want them to buy. Cheers, Ian
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Tweets that mention Not a good idea | Queensberry Connects --
May 27, 2010, 3:27 am
[...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Queensberry and Ian Baugh, Queensberry. Queensberry said: New post, "Not a good idea" - [...]
Sarah Vivienne
May 29, 2010, 2:19 am
I agree with you - if the only sample you show is a greatest hits.

But alongside albums of complete weddings it works well for me. It can be hard sometimes for a Bride to relate to a complete wedding that is not their theme, venue, style etc etc. But show them a more mixed album and there will definitely be something that they can put themselves into.

If a greatest hits is well planned, structured and designed it can tell a story. Just as well as a one wedding album I think, as long you don't cram in too much.

I also have a greatest hits album as a sample piece with a wedding planner that I work with. She uses it as an inspiration tool to give her clients ideas and to determine their tastes. And of course it sells my work too. This is designed differently to the hits album I show my clients - think a spread of flowers, a spread of cakes, seasons, venues etc.
Ian Baugh
May 28, 2010, 7:18 am
Hey Ken there's a couple of people disagreeing with me on our FaceBook page. Quoting Becker too.
May 27, 2010, 8:06 am
Could not agree more!