

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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We often get asked how Queensberry started. Well, I came home from university one day to find Heather had bought a set of of leather-working tools so she could make a handbag for her mother! I never imagined it would be the start of a business that's been growing for more than forty years. It's literally in her blood. Her great-grandfather produced opera and made saddles as a hobby (she cried when she discovered that). Her grandfather was head designer at Selfridges. Her father, her brother, her uncles and aunts are, or were, all involved in painting, drawing, sculpture, ceramics, wood and metal crafts. What I like about this little video is how you can see that her enthusiasm has lasted across all those years. Love you babe! Ian PS What about me? I'm what Kiwis call a "bush carpenter". Queensberry clients will be pleased to know I'm very clear about my strengths and weaknesses.
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