

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.

To that old saying about the only certainties being death and taxes, we need to add CHANGE!

Change never ends, and as long as you don’t mind a bit of a roller coaster, it’s way more fun! We have so much coming up over the next weeks and months, we thought we’d better give you a heads-up. If you like what we stand for, we think you’ll love what we’re doing.

And what do we stand for? Beautiful photography, beautifully presented.

But it’s your opinion that matters, so click through to comment on our blog or FacebookWe’d love to hear from you.


First out of the gate is less a new product than a new look. Everybody who’s seen these designable printed canvas products pre-release has loved them. Loved them. Pick ’em up and fondle ‘em loved them!

They’re fruit of the development work we did with canvases last year, and we’re going to roll them out across all our boxes, books and albums. First out of the blocks will be two new products — studio boxes and portrait albums. Studio Boxes are live, and we’ll introduce very shortly.

Portrait albums reflect a few of the major market trends we’ve noticed recently. First, a trend to smaller formats — especially for specialties like portraiture and boudoir, where space for more images and story-telling is less important. But often there are cost pressures too, so expect small sizes and keen prices!


We're going to be sharpening up our Q-Book prices as well. Q-Books with fabric covers (buckram, faux leather and silk) will be little more than half the price of medium weight pano flushmount albums, our most affordable. Q-Books have had an interesting history. For a long while customers have loaded them up with the same beautiful bells and whistles as our albums, but “photo books” are now more a commodity product, and for a couple of years the trend has been strongly towards those panorama flushmounts. So we’re going to reduce the cost of Q-Books. How? By simplifying the range and unpacking the extras, which we don’t charge for in our albums, but which do add to the cost of making them.


Now that we’ve upgraded album proofing in Workspace we’ll be fine-tuning our album design and colour correction services, and introducing a new premium service for those who like what we do but want the flexibility to use it to boost sales.

We’ll be clearing the decks of cover options and products that have had their day, and adding a few new choices, including a Studio Logo option that will look grand on the cover of your books, boxes and albums.

One of the big changes of the last couple of years has been shifting our focus from just books and albums, to your customers’ walls and coffee tables as well. Beautiful photography, beautifully presented, no matter where. We’re very proud of our printing capabilities, and we do love creating magnificent big canvasesfine art prints etc. Seeing customers up-sell to them from a modest print order is a buzz! Most sales are through Workspace, whether wholesale or through your own retail shopping cart. There have been major ongoing changes to Workspace, but our aim now is to make those shopping carts ever-more-intuitive, hassle-free, mobile-friendly profit builders.

We’re in the process of making all our products except loose prints “freight free” around the globe. And in case you’ve missed it, we’ve already introduced “drop-shipping”. We can deliver any order to your studio, or direct to your customer, even if they’re in other countries.

We’ll be back over the following days about studio boxes, portrait albums and more, but as we said at the top, feel free to contact us about any of this now!

Thanks for reading. We do appreciate your time and interest.

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