
This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.

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Have you ever wanted a Photojunction or Workspace tech sitting on your shoulder as you work?
We have introduced a new service which is a little more comfortable for us and most likely a little less painful for you (trust me, I'm not a featherweight).
Live chat is a new feature you'll find in Queensberry Workspace (in fact on all our web and blog pages). If you are used to instant messaging such as SMS messenger, this will be a walk in the park for you.
Whenever you see a green logo like this one, it means there's someone available at Queensberry to talk to you right now. If it's a different colour, it means there's no one available, either because no one is on duty or we're all busy: you can still leave a message and someone will get back to you as soon as possible.
(By the way, busy can mean busy! We can get involved in several chat sessions at once, which does keep us on our toes.)
So how does it work?
Just click on the Live Help icon and a window like this will pop up asking for your details.
As well as ask your question you'll need to give us your name and email address, and specify a department (either general enquiries or tech support).
At our end each person who is on line gets notified that there is a question pending. It is picked up by the first available staff member. When they respond it becomes an instant two way conversation between the support person and you.
There are no delays while you swap emails, and if the question gets too involved for chat we can easily give you a call or share screens.
So far everybody says this is making life a little bit simpler, so give it a try.
Cheers, Peter

August 9, 2012, 9:03 am
hello i donwloaded PJ to my computer when i crete client a try download folder with picture system will start download and the stop and give me error. what is worng

Extended Customer Service Hours | Connects - Queensberry's Blog for Partner Photographers
September 4, 2012, 3:11 am
[...] these times you can also access our live help (available via our website). Please note we will not have a full staff on during the extended hours, but a smaller team [...]

August 16, 2012, 8:57 am
Hi Mariaana, Can I suggest you email If you can give us the details of the error message etc. Also some information about what you were trying to do when the error message popped up.. We will be able to help you from there. Cheers Peter