

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
Don't let your doubts get in your way OK, you've just started with Queensberry? Or you've bought a beautiful new sample? Stephen wrote about how you can get an immediate pay-off on your investment by sending a simple message to your past customers and current bookings - those who haven't bought or committed to an album yet. His promotion can bring in thousands of extra dollars and set your business on a completely new trajectory - but instead of jumping in and having a go, people sometimes get sidetracked by doubts and questions. Like... I don't have time. No problem! We can design and colour correct for you. What if I get too busy? Hey, great promotion! See above. What should I offer them? An album just like your sample (invite them to come in and touch and feel it if possible*). That makes your offer very specific, and you can have a price worked out. What if they want something different? Great, they're interested. You can use our website to show them all the options, and our awesome online calculators to update the price. And again, remember we can handle the design if you like! How much should I charge? I'm going to blog about pricing later, but meantime I'd ask myself two questions: • What costs must the price cover? I assume the photos are paid for, but do they need editing? Apart from that it's a matter of choosing the photos, the design, and the album itself. Your customers can choose the photos themselves in Workspace, and ... who can do the rest for you again? • What price will make the cash register ring? It needs to be tempting. As Stephen said, even clearing an extra $500 from one past customer would be great, especially if we’re doing the design and image prep for you, but what would make twenty customers take action? Even if all you did was cover your costs (and I'm not suggesting that's what you should aim for) every beautiful album out there would be celebrating your most desirable photos instead of them being trapped on a DVD, on a thumb drive, on a website with hundreds of others, or in a crappy consumer-grade photo book. Thanks for reading :) Cheers, Ian *PS I'll talk about how to use your display sample to sell online next post.
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