
This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.

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If you follow our main Queensberry blog, you might have seen that I recently designed and ordered my own Queensberry album. (View the blog post here).
Well, Stephen wandered in a while ago and saw me looking at what he assumed was my album, and asked how I liked it.
"It's crap," I said. "I don't even like looking at it."
He went really pale!
What he didn't know is that Heather had suggested I use the exact same image files to create an album with another well known supplier.
I'm not naming names, but wow - the differences are astounding. I understand that you get what you pay for, and that our albums are not priced the same as with this other supplier, but now if anyone ever says to me "I could make the same thing for a tenth of the price!!" I will be able to tell them first hand, that most certainly no, they cannot.
For example, not only did the cheaper album arrive with already visible wear and tear, but the print quality was poor as well (most obviously, a lot of 'noise' in my images). What many people don't realise is, most major online photo book suppliers only print four colour CMYK and it makes a difference to the print quality.
We print six colours, which add depth to skin tones and overall give a fuller range of colour.
The moral of the story? You get what you pay for.
P.S The colour did return to Stephen's face eventually.
- Amanda

Stephen Baugh
September 12, 2012, 5:46 am
It's true, I am not sure what shocked me more, the fact that I thought we had made the horrible, falling apart, thing I was holding, or that Amanda a week into her job was bold enough to tell me something we made was crap.
We don't do this sort of thing very often, but as you'll see over the week we have very big changes (for the good) in the wind and wanted to make sure our positioning was correct. Secondly if Amanda was going to be be an authentic voice of Queensberry she needed to have some real experiences.
Anyway at the end of the day, once my heart rate returned to normal and our product sat along side for comparison it made me very proud of what we do, and all the people that bring it all together.

September 12, 2012, 7:05 am
It's actually great to have the reassurance that you're looking at the competition too and seeing how it works (or doesn't).
We continue to be thrilled by the Queensberry quality and can also pick the difference every time. Little things like the mat quality, the backing board weight and thickness, the durability of the cover materials, the quality of stitching and binding are noticed by us. Our clients notice because we point it out!