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I'm looking forward to David Ziser dropping the other shoe in a couple of days.
On last week, in the first of two parts, he blogged about the "perfect storm" that he says has impacted wedding photography over the last few years.
If you haven't read it you should.
Factors David mentions include the Great Recession, the "Walmart Effect" – everything from consumers' ingrained cut-price mentality to the fact that "wedding photography has come to Walmart" (via the acquisition of Bella Photography by CPI Corporation). Plus of course the growth of digital photography (not just digital cameras, but the impact of everything from online tuition to camera phones and social media sharing platforms).
I think this is great stuff, although I'd at least question his statement that 2004-7 were "the golden years of wedding photography". (I think the pre-digital generation may have had it better, to be frank, and we could learn from them if we wanted.)
Anyway, I'm keeping an eye open for Part Two.
Cheers, Ian

You’re not doomed | Queensberry Connects
March 23, 2011, 3:18 am
[...] mentioned the follow-up to David Ziser’s “perfect storm” post, which I recommended a few weeks [...]

Tweets that mention Perfect storm? | Queensberry Connects --
February 8, 2011, 3:08 am
[...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Ian Baugh, Queensberry. Queensberry said: New post, "Perfect storm?" - [...]