
This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.

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Hi All, we need a favour.
Our newest recruit, Angelique, is taking some time off to have a baby. (Congrats again to Angelique and Pete.)
But while Angelique is off on leave we'll need a temporary replacement to help with Photojunction support - answering emails, phone calls, tweets, and Facebook posts (with a dash of blogging).
You can work from home (as New Zealand can be a killer commute) and use your own computer. Other than that we'll sort you out with software and a phone to get the job done.
Here are a few details:
- Monday - Friday, 9am - 3pm EST (If you can't figure out how those hours map to your time zone then it's probably not the right job for you ).
- This is a temporary contract expected to end in mid May.
- You should know Photojunction well as we'd like to get you up and going ASAP.
- Excellent written and verbal English.
If you're interested, tell us why you'd be a great fit: