

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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Hello dears! Those youngsters at Queensberry are very sweet, but sometimes I think they only let me talk to you when there's something that they'd rather not say themselves. I was in vacuuming this morning when Sonya skyped me (yes, I may be 76 but I do have the interweb!) and said there are a few people who don't understand why Photojunction has a problem reporter. They say it's frustrating and they don't think it benefits them at all. Sonya I said, you're a lovely young lady, and I'm rather busy – why don't you tell them yourself? Well it was your idea, Nanny, she said, and besides you have a lovely manner too – I'm sure it would be better coming from you. Whatever, I said, quoting my favourite niece … but here I am ;) Forty years of making albums gives one a good idea what makes people happy. Perfection! Let me tell you a story… One day one of the order processing team was checking an album in Photojunction before it went to be made … and she sneezed … and in the process nudged one of the images out of alignment. It was a tiny error, really, and no-one noticed … until it got to the client. Now this client may have been particularly fussy, but I don't think so. The point is, sooner or later you notice things that aren't right. And that's what the problem reporter is for. To try and avoid things that people won't like - as well as the things that Queensberry can't make. (It can't avoid everything you might not like, but it will certainly detect most of them.) The good news is that there are a few tips and tricks you should know so that the problem reporter hardly ever bothers you, so I'm asking those nice boys Danny and Nigel to talk about them in a webinar. Wrap up well out there. PJ Nanny PS Are you listening boys? PPS Handy hint: a great way to ensure everything is OK with your layouts is to export full size proofs (under the Album menu) and check them carefully before sending your order. A stitch in time, remember!
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A webinar to make the pain go away | Queensberry Connects
October 12, 2010, 11:52 am
[...] who loves photo albums, stories and special memories here. Thanks for visiting.Let’s face it, PJ Nanny’s Photojunction Problem Reporter drives some of you nuts. And yet in the bindery we see order after [...]
Problem Reporter webinar | The Junction
October 12, 2010, 11:32 am
[...] Nanny took to the airwaves again last week, bless her, and ‘gently encouraged’ Danny and I to run a webinar on the [...]
Sonya asks a favour | The Junction
September 30, 2010, 5:00 am
[...] PJ Nanny thinks the youngsters over at Queensberry are very sweet … but only let her talk to you when there’s something that they’d rather not say themselves! Click here. [...]
October 1, 2010, 9:46 am
Loud and clear nan ;)