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21 If you're flying in to shoot a wedding and the weather's so foul the plane mightn't be able to land, you have every wedding photographer's nightmare. And to say the weather was foul would be an understatement... But the plane did land and Johannes (of Moda Fotografica) had already covered the other bases before heading out to shoot Vicky and Ricky's wedding at French Farm in the South Island of New Zealand. With heavy rain forecast and weather warnings in place, Johannes discussed with the couple what would happen if the weather didn't play nice. He walked them through how it might effect what they'd planned, and exactly how he'd deal with it. Plan B for Vicky and Ricky meant they went out and purchased a set of black umbrellas, ensured they and the bridal party had suitable footwear to get to and from the locations they wanted to shoot, and most importantly, Vicky and Ricky were emotionally prepared for what could happen. 4 Planning for the worst certainly paid off - it bucketed down. But Johannes says, "We took advantage of the rain and looked at it as a creative advantage. We still got beautiful shots - if anything it helped us! "The rain made everyone work faster. The rain and risk of falling over and getting really dirty added an element of urgency, but also excitement, to the photography." A relaxed couple meant shooting was a breeze, the umbrellas added to the artistic effect of the images and nothing was going to stop the couple getting the images they wanted. Including Vicky climbing up the side of a slippery hill (which she nearly ended up at the bottom of a couple of times) to get this stunning shot. 3 Johannes presented Vicky and Ricky's day in a 14x10 black leather Duo feature album. To see a slideshow of the album click here.
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Interview with: Johannes van Kan | Queensberry Connects
May 22, 2009, 9:52 am
[...] your clients before the wedding, and his ”six secrets” to designing a great album (here’s one of his he shared with [...]
kertastisu-prewedding wedding
August 3, 2009, 6:23 am
Yay! what a nice photo album. The couple, wardrobe, place, and the idea. The design and layout photo it's so exclusive.
Well i'm a person who have been learn about the pre wedding and wedding photography & videography. Because i wanna be enterpreneur in photography and graphic design. Your blog would be my literature and I'd like to see another post. Oh ya my name is donny. Thank you