

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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Wow, what happened? We've been buzzing around like flies in a bottle since our special offer went up. As you'd expect, it's generated lots of questions, lots of traffic on the forums. I got back from the States on an early morning flight this morning and found Danny already at work and looking a leetle spaced out - he made the mistake of going on line before bedtime and was still there posting at 1.30 in the morning. And IanC thought he'd take a peek at home before he had his breakfast, so he was limbered up too by the time he got to work! Just so you know, we're on the case. Keep those letters and bugs rolling in, as Dean Martin used to say. Sort of.

Cheers - Ian
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