

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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I couldn't help myself ... I just had to jump in on this one. There are many reasons why photographers are coy on their pricing. They want to keep their colleagues uninformed. They don't want to frighten potential clients before they have had a chance to impress them with their own brand of personal charm, their list of awards, and the opportunity to brandish their Photoshop skills. They don't feel confident in their own pricing. We have two companies dealing with different budgets. The less expensive brand has full disclosure on the website. 65-75% of people responding to the website are booking an appointment if we are available. 10% are asking for our prices (mainly photographers who can't read ... I'm kidding but you'd be surprised). 15% are trying to sell  us something and about 10% are asking about other things. The more expensive site gets more comments but less bookings. The most common request is, 'How much?'  This usually comes up well before 'Are you available?' I liked that both Heather and Anna said don't waste your time telling them how good you are. They are both right about their responses, and the choice depends on who you are talking to. Some brides feel that you are hiding something if you are unable to answer their question. Others are looking for a ball park. Both want an honest answer. With our premium brand we have two significant issues to address. Firstly people assume we will be out of their budget. Secondly they assume that we will be busy. Stating our prices on our website could mean that we miss out on having the conversation that could lead to us picking up a booking. Stating our prices does let people overcome some of their own barriers. It is important that we have something that clients can like and afford so that the door is still open to us for a look in. Cheers, Johannes.
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