

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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Isn't technology great? A decade ago "photo books" were a wonder. I can create one-off books! Printed on both sides! Like a glossy magazine! We loved them too, and launched Q Books in 2010. But now photo books are … just a glossy magazine! Commodity products with prices to match. Mostly sold direct to consumers, meaning very little value in them for photographers… Something for people who get their photography on a flashdrive. Q Books still look great, as beautifully printed and bound as our albums, but for a couple of years the trend has been To View More >>

This entry was posted in by Alexandria Baugh | Leave a Comment

To that old saying about the only certainties being death and taxes, we need to add CHANGE! Change never ends, and as long as you don’t mind a bit of a roller coaster, it’s way more fun! We have so much coming up over the next weeks and months, we thought we’d better give you a heads-up. If you like what we stand for, we think you’ll love what we’re doing. And what do we stand for? Beautiful photography, beautifully presented. But it’s your opinion that matters, so click through to comment on our blog or Facebook. We’d love to To View More >>

This entry was posted in by Melissa Dangerfield | Leave a Comment

“Every two minutes people take as many photos as were taken throughout the whole 19th century.” Rachel is one of the Queensberry album design team, and she’s been collecting old photographs since she was at university. "My interest was sparked by reading Roland Barthes’ Camera Lucida (1980)”, she says. “The book was written after his mother’s death, and is as much about death as it is about photography. It was the idea that photographers are “agents of death” that really struck me.” “Any photo, no matter how recent, depicts To View More >>

This entry was posted in by Alexandria Baugh | Leave a Comment

If you want people to come looking for what’s desirable, not what’s cheapest, build your studio on high-end values. I recently visited an Audi dealership, not to buy a new car, but to learn how Audi sell their beautiful vehicles. Predictably I left desiring something I'd never considered before, and sold on Audi. My intention was to test drive the Audi Q5, but the salesperson suggested that the Q7 might be more comfortable for my height, so out in a Q7 we went. But not just any Q7, a Q7 Premium Plus with sport options! It was more amazing than I can describe … To View More >>

If you’re building a career in photography we’ve published some great articles by highly successful people here lately. Here’s a quick run-through — starting with Justine Ungaro and The Edmonsons because they’re giving Master Classes at WPPI next week. Please don’t miss them — they’ll be great value — and please don’t miss their sponsors either — Queensberry! Catch up with Stephen and Sonya at Booth 1365 in the Marquee Ballroom. Justine’s WPPI class is about moving to a new market, but her article for Queensberry is To View More >>

This entry was posted in , Loves not enough by Ian Baugh | Leave a Comment