

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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Wow, what a busy couple of weeks. The marketing team obviously thought we were getting a bit lethargic under our winter coats, so threw a special in your direction. The result is that Mid-Winter Christmas feeling going on and our departments all humming – the lab, the press people, the design team and the bindery going "gang busters". The tech support team certainly had the cobwebs blown out by all the questions from customers old and new. It's great to see so many people having a go at Workspace. Thanks for your business! I hope you'll be experiencing that Christmas feeling in a few days when To View More >>

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There was quite a reaction to my post about shooting less photos, which obviously resonated with people. Check it out - there are some interesting comments from people, including from those who say they shoot a lot. I know there are some amazing photographers out there who shoot big numbers, so quantity is not necessarily at the expense of quality. However I still think it comes at a price, for both the studio and the client. I've never forgotten the first time a client asked me to design a sample album online. I was given passwords to three large online galleries and asked to choose 100 images. After To View More >>

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We've had a lot of enquiries asking about the deadline for our half-price special. Thanks for making it a great success. So we're giving you a bit of leeway. The deadline falls over this weekend, so as long as we have your order by the START OF BUSINESS ON MONDAY New Zealand time we'll allow the discount. But you will need to confirm the album order and pay within two days of us getting back to you. We have been absolutely swamped with DESIGN ORDERS. These are no charge as part of the promotion if ordered through Workspace (thanks for trying the feature, people really like it!). It may take a To View More >>

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Drop everything and do this now! SHORTEST DAY, LOWEST PRICES Tomorrow is the shortest day down under. It's a little cold and wet – and between our busy seasons – so we're running a very special special to keep warm! Queensberry Press books: 50% off Queensberry Press albums: 50% off Classic Flushmount albums: 50% off Free design if you submit the order in Workspace. There's not much fine print. Your order needs to be submitted, confirmed and paid for in ten days (ie by June 30), so you need to be quick… And this can't be combined with any other special offer. Happy Mid Year Christmas from To View More >>

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I was talking to Pete at the lab who said we’ve had an influx of album design orders recently. Pete's a funny guy and he said that in some orders the client was even sending "the kitchen sink", a bit of Kiwi humour that denotes one who is going a bit over the top. As it happens a lot of new people have been trying the service as a result of a special we ran, and a few have sent us several hundred images to put in an album with maybe 15 pages. They’re obviously expecting us to select the images for the album, so we thought maybe a post on how we work might make it easier for you. A few years To View More >>

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