

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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I recently held a small workshop in the UK at the studio of Zoe Richards just out of Liverpool. It was intimate (there were only nine of us). We discussed album design and particularly spoke about the Musée. One of the ideas of that album is to create a feeling of intimacy. The resounding lesson from our discussion was about that and simplicity. Too often people cram images into albums to the point where there is no room to rest your eyes. The Musée design uses space to reinforce the luxury and quality feel of the product. There is something exciting about an intimate moment in a cupboard but To View More >>

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This week's webinar is our 'Intro to Photojunction' presentation taking place right here (online) on Thursday 27 May @ 9am (NZT). In this webinar Danny will show you how to fire up the software and start using it. He’ll also walk you through everything from registering, to designing an album, to exporting and sending. As always, it’s free to attend and everyone’s welcome. Click here to register See you there! Cheers, Nigel PS Thursday 27 May @ 9am NZT time means: AUSTRALIA – Thursday 27 May  7:00 AM NEW ZEALAND – Thursday 27 May 9:00 AM UK – Wednesday 26 May 10:00 PM USA (West Coast) To View More >>

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It's been a while, but this year Queensberry and Photojunction are returning to PMA's Digital Life Expo in Melbourne, Australia. We love opportunities like this to meet old friends and make new ones … and we hope you’ll be among them. Queensberry is for people who believe that the way to succeed is to stand out from the crowd, not join it, and we have two new projects to talk to you about: 1. As you may know Apple chose Queensberry as one of “the world’s finest bookmakers” to introduce their album design and ordering service in Aperture 3. Far from us to say why they chose us, so come To View More >>

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Here's a quick, real-life story about Photojunction's auto-save templates feature. Last week we got a slightly panicked call from a PJ user who'd lost her entire album design. Frustrating. Support treats calls like this as detective stories, and they're really good at solving them. But what happened is less important than what to do about it. She thought she'd need to totally re-design her album, but we introduced her to Photojunction's auto-save templates feature. During the design of every album you do, Photojunction auto-saves templates of your design. It's not an option you can turn on and To View More >>

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Think of the best stuff you ever had. The best meal, the best coffee, the coolest shoes, the wittiest tee-shirt ... a fantastic book store, those amazing heirloom tomatoes. The people who provide you with amazing stuff are obsessive. Yes, they want to sell you something, but it's their obsession that drives them and makes them outstanding. There's a lot of obsessiveness in a beautiful album too, from the photography and design to the printing and binding. Every now and then we remind the obsessive people who work at Queensberry that our business is "not about the albums". Sometimes we remind photographers To View More >>

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