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Here's a quick, real-life story about Photojunction's auto-save templates feature. Last week we got a slightly panicked call from a PJ user who'd lost her entire album design. Frustrating. Support treats calls like this as detective stories, and they're really good at solving them. But what happened is less important than what to do about it. She thought she'd need to totally re-design her album, but we introduced her to Photojunction's auto-save templates feature. During the design of every album you do, Photojunction auto-saves templates of your design. It's not an option you can turn on and off. Photojunction just does it because it cares. That means the user had lost her project, but not her design. By simply setting up a new project and loading the auto-saved templates of her now eaten project, all she had to do was re-populate the apertures with her images (and PJ might have been able to do this for her if she'd wanted). 15 minutes after hopping off the phone, Photoshop was grinding through it's exports and the album order was sent. I liked the way she summed up the whole situation... "just a storm in a teacup." Cheers, Nigel
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Angelique Buckley
May 17, 2010, 4:09 am
Ah!!! I've used this feature more times than I would like to admit. Not because of PJ crashing....Just things getting lost (deleted) in the scurry of designing on multiple machines hehe.