

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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[caption id="attachment_1348" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="Photography by Michael + Anna Costa"][/caption] Although we'd love all our clients to print with us, and most now do, we can't expect that everyone will. It's a huge ask to send your images to the other side of the world for printing.  But sometimes, for reasons that have little to do with the printing itself, we need really tight control to deliver you a good result. Duos are a prime example. The design and craft processes that allow us to integrate digital and matted pages, create split mats etc are intensive and very demanding. To View More >>

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Every wedding photographer has an Uncle Ken story. I was hanging out at a wedding with photographer Brett Prestidge when I first arrived in the UK and something amazing happened... We met the ultimate Uncle Ken. Uncle Ken informed us that he had the okay from the bride and groom to do a big group photograph for them. It is so often the case that as professionals we arrive at weddings and somebody there has a bigger camera than us ... this time it was Uncle Ken. Brett and I were using small, discrete Leica M9s and M8s. So often Uncle Ken tries to take control. This Uncle Ken (his real name) earned To View More >>

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Three points! 1. Investigate and determine your clients needs, limitations, and dreams. 2. Establish design objectives. 3. Exceed your clients' expectations. We set the parameters of size, style, and content from discussions with our client prior to the wedding. Having a series of questions to answer on a sheet means you get the information you need. Album type, size, and budget are the first questions. Then how many albums and what these would do. We gauge their response to our sample albums and ask questions about what might be important. We define the style by giving them a key description To View More >>

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Do you know how many people are too busy to design albums? Or are under-confident about album design? Or can't figure out the PJ alignment tools (surely not)? ;) And do you know how many people have downloaded Photojunction since we made it free? I didn't think so. But that adds up to a big market ... and you already have the templates. All you need to do is add them to the Store. Just do it. Cheers, Danny (motivational expert). There you go ... #437 ... just a few gaps to fill in. Got more? To View More >>

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[caption id="attachment_5211" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="Click image to watch on YouTube."][/caption] If pictures could talk what would they say? Kodak reckons they'd say, "Keep me, protect me, share me". We agree. Live forever. Cheers, Nigel To View More >>

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