

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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OK, we just removed the data storage limits from our top Workspace plan … but we're not in the Storage business, we're in the Usage business! We've put a major effort into building tools and services for you, and we keep a close eye on what you're doing with them. Here's what we notice… 1. Given our background it's probably no surprise that the most popular function is proofing PJ albums, or that the most popular album design method is getting us to do it for you (our design orders have doubled). 2. Our most active user has logged in 187 times! Is it a coincidence that (s)he also has the highest To View More >>

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Last night we removed the data limits on our Workspace Pro Plus plan and took some of the restrictions off our Free Plan. We've had a lot of requests for this, so here's the deal… 1. Under the Workspace Pro+ Plan, data storage is now unlimited. 2. The Workspace Free Plan now offers 750MB of storage, but access is no longer restricted, and you can use it indefinitely. We do reserve the right to cancel inactive accounts (where there have been no new uploads or sales for twelve months). Please read the details on our website. So why the change of mind? One thing concerned us when we launched Workspace. To View More >>

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I don't know how you'll feel about this, but a few days ago I unsubscribed from a customer's Facebook page. I just got sick of the bad taste in my mouth from a stream of quite unpleasant political comments and links in my newsfeed. I personally don't think anyone in business should mix business and politics. Or religion for that matter. Not just because it's unwise to turn off people who might be your customers, but because it's wrong to judge people by their ideology or faith, or the lack of either. I don't care whether they're of the left or the right, in my experience if you can get past people's To View More >>

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Hello all, I'm just dropping in to give you a heads up to mark this date down in your diary: Wednesday 15 August. If you're living in Auckland, New Zealand (or can make it to Auckland) you won't want to miss out on our event: a free Workspace seminar and workshop. Workspace is our cloud application which you can use for designing albums, proofing, website building and more. This seminar is your chance to learn the ins and outs of the software, how you can make the most of it and how it can benefit your business. We'll also have plenty of time for questions and if there's anything specific you'd To View More >>

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Wow, what a busy couple of weeks. The marketing team obviously thought we were getting a bit lethargic under our winter coats, so threw a special in your direction. The result is that Mid-Winter Christmas feeling going on and our departments all humming – the lab, the press people, the design team and the bindery going "gang busters". The tech support team certainly had the cobwebs blown out by all the questions from customers old and new. It's great to see so many people having a go at Workspace. Thanks for your business! I hope you'll be experiencing that Christmas feeling in a few days when To View More >>

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