

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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OK, we just removed the data storage limits from our top Workspace plan … but we're not in the Storage business, we're in the Usage business! We've put a major effort into building tools and services for you, and we keep a close eye on what you're doing with them. Here's what we notice… 1. Given our background it's probably no surprise that the most popular function is proofing PJ albums, or that the most popular album design method is getting us to do it for you (our design orders have doubled). 2. Our most active user has logged in 187 times! Is it a coincidence that (s)he also has the highest sales? No names … their secret's safe with us. 3. But chances are that even our most active users could get more mileage from Workspace. Why do I say that? Because if we sort the data by the number of events shared, or albums proofed, or shopping cart sales made, we tend to come up with a more or less completely different list of accounts. As one of the dev team said yesterday, just one sale is easily enough to pay your Pro+ sub for the month, so why not give it a try? I think successful selling in Workspace comes down to not getting over-ambitious on price, promoting your work to your customers, encouraging people to share with family and friends, and just doing it, as those shoe guys say. Cheers, Ian PS By the way, usage is free - in other words we don't charge you for the traffic you generate. Bring it on!
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