

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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If capturing a fleeting moment thrills you … if beautiful colour makes your heart beat faster … if you dream about composition in your sleep… if you love telling stories with pictures - we'd love to hear from you. We're after images to showcase on our website and in our new season sample albums and books, as well as in our blogs and marketing pieces. We’re looking for sets of around 80 images, but to enter all you have to do is send us TEN low-res images* from up to TWO different events - a wedding, portrait session, or whatever you happen to shoot - and email them to us at To View More >>

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We met Jeff Youngren and his wife Erin (The Youngrens) a couple of years ago at WPPI and they've been on board with PJ ever since. Danny's received numbers of calls from Jeff about ideas for new Photojunction features, and it was one of those that is partly to thank for the new integration of albumexposure with Photojunction. 1) How do you like the albumexposure online album proofing feature? Why should others try it out? "To me, the Albumexposure/PJ integration is a game changer in the industry - never before has something so common been integrated so well into the whole design process. I'm blown To View More >>

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OK, n8rpat8r, we love it (found on YouTube). Who are you?! To View More >>

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James makes fabulous coffee. He brings in the beans, roasts them, cures the roast, grinds the roasted beans, and extracts the sacred juices. People know that he makes the best coffee you can get. Not many know why, or how. Not many people understand the difference between the brew they get from the Lyttelton Coffee Company and one from Anyoldcafe. They still have their coffee here because they love the food, or the staff, or the environment. Meanwhile in the background James is quietly fizzing over the arrival of some single source Cuban beans that will raise the coffee experience to another level. To View More >>

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Remember your first time? Doing whatever. Maybe photographing your first wedding? Years back when Subway turned up in New Zealand it took me 10 minutes and enough questions to drive mum up the wall to finally place my order. Why? Because I didn't know how. I've just committed to spending a lot of money on our wedding photography, but before I did, I was nervous. Not so much because of the money, but because I wasn't sure what I'd get for it. It was my first time. I'm in the industry, talk to photographers all the time, and write articles about marketing and business every day.  But I still felt To View More >>

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