

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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Colour management is one of the cornerstones of digital photography, it is also one of the most misunderstood. Some photographers are experts, some try to ignore the subject, some don't seem to have heard of it, others have read about it on forums or blogs and (kind of) get it. Years ago when our lab went digital, we brought in the experts to help set up our systems and get the best results from our printers. This relationship was not a one-date wonder. Ian and Jessica from NZ Colour Management have consulted to us regularly ever since. One thing's certain. If you use our print-ready service you To View More >>

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Yesterday's visits took us into the heart of first Ideo, then Google and Survey Monkey. All of them amazingly impressive with much to teach us about how you get to be the best in the world and create environments that foster creativity. We spend a lot of time at work, and with the people there. The better we can make work, the better our lives, but it's got harder since the financial meltdown. But Google sort of borrowed my breath, so to speak. The sheer magnitude: 16,000 people on the campus we visited. Hardly any looking older than 16, though they assured us the age range is extensive. You get To View More >>

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Three things I try not to do: write about our competitors, jump to their defence, and risk offending people who could be our customers; but today I’m going to do all three. I want to write about the huge outpouring against Smugmug over their price increase – and suggest a few things you should think about before you jump ship, if you’re with them. I must admit I find these outbursts upsetting, no matter the justification. When I started to use the Net back in the 90s, it was all about support, helping each other and respect. In the world I want to live in, you respect the businesses that To View More >>

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This has been a big year for Queensberry. Especially the launch of Queensberry Press. New products, new services, new technology, new price points. The challenge is making it easy for you to get your head around. Why so many products? What’s the difference between them? How much do they cost? We came up with this Good Better Best matrix to map out what we do. Good Better Best is a strategy - having a range of products and services to tempt your clients across a range of price points. Good is your entry level – affordable if you like. Best is aspirational (expensive). Better is in the middle To View More >>

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Mac OSX Lion is exciting new software, but before you install it there are a few things to think about: 1. You'll lose access to all your old PowerPC applications. It's been six years since Apple transitioned to Intel processors, and with the introduction of OSX Lion you will no longer be able to run PowerPC based software. Rosetta kept the old software running pretty smoothly, so you could be in for a few surprises. For starters I had to upgrade Microsoft Office. Never thought of that! 2. Closer to home, you will no longer be able to run Photojunction Retro (yes, there are still a handful of To View More >>

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