

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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This has been a big year for Queensberry. Especially the launch of Queensberry Press. New products, new services, new technology, new price points. The challenge is making it easy for you to get your head around. Why so many products? What’s the difference between them? How much do they cost? We came up with this Good Better Best matrix to map out what we do. Good Better Best is a strategy - having a range of products and services to tempt your clients across a range of price points. Good is your entry level – affordable if you like. Best is aspirational (expensive). Better is in the middle – what you budget on! Before Queensberry Press we were under-represented at the lower end, so one of our goals was to establish new, lower price points, important in an environment where people are looking after their cash more carefully. Queensberry Press is about more than lower prices, however. It's also about digital offset printing (as opposed to traditional silver halide) and books (as opposed to albums). The graphic above shows how everything fits together, but it caused a fight here at first, so in the end we went with Great Better Best, and added an extra column for Musée! You may notice that we've reorganized our website along these lines, with a couple of changes in product names along the way. Our new price lists include a more detailed version of the matrix, designed to give you a quick insight into the main differences between our various products. More about them in our next post. Cheers Ian
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Our new price lists | Queensberry Connects
October 12, 2011, 11:55 am
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