

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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We’re thrilled to announce updates to our online galleries to suit both school AND wedding/portrait photography. Are you a full-time wedding and portrait photographer who shoots a few school or day care sessions? Or maybe you’re the opposite? You focus on school sessions but shoot weddings on the side? Either way, until now you couldn’t do both in one Workspace account — and that didn’t suit everyone!  Well, that’s changing. If you have a Pro account, just go to your Workspace Image Galleries, click on New Gallery, and you’ll have three choices To View More >>

This entry was posted in Product Updates by Alexandria Baugh | Leave a Comment

As everyone knows, Covid has been very disruptive for business — from product availability to courier services to prices — and it’s starting to feel like the “new normal”. So we’re starting the year with an updated cover material range, and a new strategy to move this forward in the future. We’re excited about it, but we also know that any change can raise questions, which we’ve tried to answer in advance here. We’d love your feedback! Please take a few minutes to read the following, but if you just want to see the updates follow To View More >>

This entry was posted in Product Updates by Alexandria Baugh | Leave a Comment

We often make the mistake of making our marketing about ourselves — what we're doing, and what we need, rather than the value we're creating for our audience. People who write code love what they do, but their customers don't. They just want an app that works. You love photography but your clients love the memories you make for them. Memories or a picture for the wall. When you're thinking about business or marketing campaigns, focus on your customers. What's in it for them? To View More >>

This entry was posted in Loves not enough by Alexandria Baugh | Leave a Comment

I'm going to be a bit pushy here. Our series on selling albums talks about:  — setting expectations — making it clear you sell them, and why! — making it easy for your clients to buy — not coming across as "pushy or sales-y" etc. I think that's good, sensible stuff — I helped write them, so there's that! — but let's face it, they lack something: ambition. Sales-ambitious or sales-shy? Portrait and wedding photographers come in all shapes and sizes, attitudes and ambitions, but one of the most important things that define them is surely their attitude to To View More >>

This entry was posted in Loves not enough by Ian Baugh | Leave a Comment

I've just finished re-watching Barry Schwartz's Ted Talk on The Paradox of Choice. He makes this very important point: Too much choice produces paralysis. Offer people too much choice and they'll find it very difficult to choose at all. Yes, at Queensberry we offer a lot of choice! We know that. We do it because every photographer is different. And we agree, as Barry Schwartz says, that it can be difficult to get your head around. But … if you want to sell products, you need to make the effort, not leave it to your customers.  As our designer friend Donna says, to run a design To View More >>

This entry was posted in Loves not enough by Alexandria Baugh | Leave a Comment