

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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Our new stock image downloads are designed to help you create virtual products — complete with your own imagery —and get your customers thinking about what they could do to make the best of their photography. Here are a few ideas to get you started... Use in your pricelist: This is one of the main places your clients will see the products you offer  – beautiful photography will help your clients focus on the product, not just the price! On your website: Your website is great sales tool, not only To View More >>

This entry was posted in Loves not enough by Alexandria Baugh | Leave a Comment

To that old saying about the only certainties being death and taxes, we need to add CHANGE! Change never ends, and as long as you don’t mind a bit of a roller coaster, it’s way more fun! We have so much coming up over the next weeks and months, we thought we’d better give you a heads-up. If you like what we stand for, we think you’ll love what we’re doing. And what do we stand for? Beautiful photography, beautifully presented. But it’s your opinion that matters, so click through to comment on our blog or Facebook. We’d love to To View More >>

This entry was posted in by Melissa Dangerfield | Leave a Comment

Last week we were enjoying drinks and nibbles with some photographers in the Design Space, and they asked, why all the pictures on the walls? The short answer: We’re visual people and we need visual prompts. The long answer: It’s part of our design process. We fill walls with things that inspire us, projects we’re working on and ideas for the future. They remind us what we’re up to and where we’re going. Workspace has been our main focus as designers this year. We’re a small team, and it seemed a daunting task. “Where do we start?” we To View More >>

This entry was posted in by Alexandria Baugh | Leave a Comment

Your blog is a tool for drawing people in from Facebook and other social media sites, for keeping your site fresh, interesting and ever-changing, and for keeping your image galleries and work in front of people. Your ideas and interests too! The must-have for every blog is SIMPLICITY, so that nothing comes between you and getting your posts out. But one size does not fit all, which is why we now offer three simple blogging templates: Basic, View More and Thumbnail. You can also customise your blog's side panel, by adding a profile image and intro text: click here for an example. (The To View More >>

This entry was posted in by Alexandria Baugh | Leave a Comment

The design space is buzzing as we get ready to announce our first 2016 Workspace updates. After months of debate, covering the walls with design ideas, and then the hard work of turning them into code, and testing, we finally get to share!  Here’s the big picture: An updated retail shopping cart for you. Redesigned image gallery. New and improved website themes. New and improved blogging themes. New client website designs. And finally a new page editor so you can modify the themes without HTML coding. That’s way too much for a single blog post so we’re going to dig To View More >>

This entry was posted in by Alexandria Baugh | Leave a Comment