

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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The new Workspace blogging feature allows you to set up a blog as part of your Workspace website OR send blog posts directly to your Blogger or Wordpress (self hosted) blog. This is a really useful feature as once you've uploaded and sorted images in Workspace, you can immediately post them as a slideshow or storyboard on your blog - making the Workspace workflow even smarter! It's a quick and easy way to get your images out in front of people online. Here's how it works (click on the images to view them larger): First you need to set up the blogging feature. You can do this under the SETTINGS To View More >>

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I'm a bit frustrated! We have two new initiatives to launch but we can't get either out until next week, so I thought I'd try and clear up a few misconceptions about SEO... SEO comes to mind for two reasons. First, in Ian's 14 Tips post a while back he said (rather carelessly!), "10. Link to the venues, florists, dressmakers and other vendors who were connected to the event - another Workspace feature. They'll love you for it, and linking is great for SEO." Someone commented, "Yes, linking is great for SEO, but for the [site] you are linking to, not for you… I'm always wary about linking to…vendors' To View More >>

This entry was posted in , Loves not enough, by Admin | Leave a Comment

In Workspace it's so easy to control how you share your images, and who with. From the top... 1. Privacy status - toggle between public (anybody can view the collection), private (people need to know the sharing URL or the password you set), or semi-private (same as private but people can see the feature image - looks so much better on your Workspace website). 2. Enable shopping cart - you can sell images from any collection you choose, even on our Free plan. Coming to mobile slideshows very soon. 3. You can set up as many price lists as you like in Workspace, and choose which one is best for To View More >>

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Although a lot of you love our albums (us too!) we operate on the simple principle that you're running a business, and if you can't make money selling them you shouldn't buy them. But there's no doubt many photographers do struggle. Partly that's because they sell a la carte, and have persuaded themselves that their clients don't want albums. I don't buy it. A la carte is often shorthand for having a cheap headline price, and no levers you can pull to make a better sale. (I'm not saying a la carte's a bad idea, but it needs close thought). As for people not wanting albums, it was the same story To View More >>

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Competition isn't the problem, obscurity is. For years now I've watched frustrated at how little most photographic associations do to promote the idea and importance of wedding photography. More often than not these organisations - run by hardworking volunteers who do great things to educate their members and promote standards - can do little to convince couples that they need a professional photographer. But I'm not going to be frustrated by this any more :) We're doing more to promote our customers I said two months ago that I believe in professional photography, and although we obviously aren't To View More >>

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