

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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Share_control_panel In Workspace it's so easy to control how you share your images, and who with. From the top... 1. Privacy status - toggle between public (anybody can view the collection), private (people need to know the sharing URL or the password you set), or semi-private (same as private but people can see the feature image - looks so much better on your Workspace website). 2. Enable shopping cart - you can sell images from any collection you choose, even on our Free plan. Coming to mobile slideshows very soon. 3. You can set up as many price lists as you like in Workspace, and choose which one is best for each collection you share. Even on the Free plan. 4. You can set collections to expire (great for creating a sense of urgency; the collection isn't deleted when it expires - people just can't view it any more). 5. Add music (go to SETTINGS / Website Settings / Music to upload tracks). 5. Sort the images by filename, date or using the "manual" order you created by dragging images in the event window. And by the way I haven't even mentioned how to control the slideshow itself. Coming next! Cheers Ian Earlier posts in this series
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