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Album selling from galleries has been one of our most requested features and we're very excited to launch it today! In this blog post we’ll walk you through how our new online album selling feature works and how to set it up in your account. If you have questions or need help setting up your price lists, please email We’re here to help! How the feature works and how to set it up in your account Like all the other products available for sale through Client Galleries, you’ll start by adding the album options you want to offer (sizes, covers, To View More >>

A wedding album is more than just a series of photographs. It’s a storybook. A timeless collection of fleeting moments and heartfelt emotions immortalised and weaved together to create a beautiful narrative of a couple’s celebration of their union. Photos will bring your client’s wedding day to life long into the future. Therefore, creating the perfect wedding album requires careful thought and preparation. As a wedding photographer, how can you create a keepsake that captures all the significant milestones and little details? Tips for Creating the Perfect Wedding To View More >>

A few weeks ago we gave you a sneak peek at a major upgrade to our Client Galleries, designed to make it easier than ever for wedding and portrait photographers to sell print products to their clients. It' s based on what we've learned from the success of Print Shop, our other online sales platform. We're delighted to announce that it's now live, and accessible on all paid Workspace plans. Here we'll step you through the main features, but first, we're often asked — why do we offer two platforms? Because the customers are totally different, and so To View More >>

Something changed for the better a few months ago, when we launched Print Shop, our platform for photographers and artists who are selling their work online as decor or works of art. Print Shop users have been very successful selling more expensive, more profitable, products — frames rather than loose prints, for example, larger frames rather than smaller ones. The work is beautiful, of course, and it is being sold as wall art, but we do think the Print Shop "store front" and product previews have helped with this success. That's why we're making the To View More >>
There are lots of ways to make money as a landscape, travel, adventure, wildlife or fine art photographer. Shooting for a publication, for example, or selling through galleries or other commercial spaces such as tourist stops or cafes. Or working with clients to produce product or marketing images. Or décor for commercial or hospitality spaces. But over the course of your career you'll likely build a library of images that are yours to sell over and over again — if you could only work out how, without turning yourself into a shopkeeper! More opportunities today Today we're free to To View More >>
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