

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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Check out this email we received from one enterprising Photojunction user: "FYI I just designed a 6ft car logo in Photojunction and it worked great. I suggest expanding your business to more than just albums!" That's certainly taking the meaning of 'flexible' to a whole new level. Do you have a similar story about how you've used Photojunction to do something a bit 'out of the ordinary'? We'd love to hear about it - let us know. Cheers, Nigel PS Danny tells me he once talked to a Doctor who used Photojunction to display medical images... To View More >>

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Meet Dave and Alianor, a tattoo artist from Atlanta, and a Catholic girl from Michigan. Tim Will shot their wedding in Atlanta last year. I could tell you about how the bridal party smoked and drank heavily before the ceremony, or that they carried guns with their names inscribed on the handles, or that the bride married in black. But I won't. Tim's images can do the talking... Instead, I'd rather highlight this album as a great example of how an anything-but-traditional wedding can fit so beautifully into a Queensberry. We're proud that our albums are so flexible and diverse. And that our album To View More >>

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I see something cool somewhere and have to share it with my ten best friends ... and some of them like it enough to share the love ... You know the rest ... actually the same works for the flu. So there I was prowling the Digtal Wedding Forum and saw this little baby and thought, Wow! I have to show all the people who haven't seen it yet. This is not about me trying to discover something new, but sharing the love. hugs, Johannes PS Didn't somebody at Olympus do a great job? [He wants one - Ed] To View More >>

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Heather remembers the first time we saw this video of the Pogues' Fairy Tale of New York: Christmas 1987. She was sitting in a cane and burnt red suede wishbone rocking chair she'd made herself - not sitting in it, sitting on the very edge of it,  transfixed by the music and the video - the wrenching sadness and the lilt and love of the song. We already knew the Pogues, having thrashed Rum, Sodomy and The Lash (yeah, sounds dodgy, but listen to it) for a couple of years. Every time we think of Shane MacGowan we hope he's OK. He's given us some magic hours. All the very best for the holidays To View More >>

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1.4 million people have seen this movie already, but don't let that stop you. A few days after selling out Boston's Symphony Hall, one of the world's best violinists went busking with his Stradivarius for 43 minutes in a DC metro station. A thousand people streamed past. A handful stopped, nobody clapped ... and he made $32. Grab a coffee and read Gene Weingarten's story in The Washington Post. He arranged the performance as "as an experiment in context, perception and priorities". Do I want to make a cheap marketing point out of this? Not really, but it makes you think. Cheers, Ian PS Sal Criscillo To View More >>

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