

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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This post won't mean much to those of you who's knowledge of social media is limited to, "You know, Facebook and Twitter etc". But the rest of us are trying to get good at it without feeling like it consumes all our time. Anyway, I've just been asked my opinions about automation and social media. It's something I feel strongly about, and my advice is to "approach with caution". Here's why. 1. We're in the 'intimacy business', and automation is usually the the enemy of intimacy. If I skype my wife, "Hi darling – love you!", we both feel good about it. It was impulsive and heartfelt. Automate To View More >>

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4. Create Album from Templates Coach reckons this isn't as clever as Divide and Conquer but we think it's really cool. Do you have a collection of templates that you love and use all the time? Click Create Album from Templates, select an image collection and your template collection, and PJ will build an album from the templates and pop all the images in the apertures. Sit back, have a coffee if you're American, or a nice cup of tea if you're a Brit. You Aussies will want a cold one, and as for us in New Zealand, it'll be a nice Sauvignon Blanc from Marlborough, thank you. Just let PJ do its thing. To View More >>

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Today is our 16th wedding anniversary. Today, I bring out our wedding album and indulge in the enjoyable recollection of the beginning of OUR love story. I revisit with those who were with us on the day, and remember those who aren't with us now. Our wedding album gets more and more precious as the years go on. I know he still loves me. How? He still turns my light off. He knows I still love him because I stroke his hand... sometimes :-) Love, Sonya To View More >>

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Best EVER Movie. I watch Love Actually at least twice a year (or any other time I feel the need to top up my tank). I can still feel the emotion ... the prickle of anticipation at the opening scene in the Heathrow Arrivals Hall, knowing that I am about to experience something amazing. First time, I think I cried most of the way through the movie! Here's that scene again, for anyone who feels their tank need filling :) Enjoy, Sonya Pretty cool the way it segues back to Heathrow at the end too - Ed To View More >>

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As a little girl I loved photographs. My Mum had a big box of them. I'd spend ages playing with the images, stacking, sorting, studying the people and places (even the photos taken by my Nana, who always managed to cut people's heads off when capturing the moment). My destiny was to somehow end up working with images. So I meet this guy called Stephen … it turns out his family business makes beautiful photograph albums … I marry him :) How cool is my job? Every day I get to see beautiful love stories. How can you not be a happy person when that's the business you're in? Love, Sonya Something To View More >>

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