

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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OK, we just removed the data storage limits from our top Workspace plan … but we're not in the Storage business, we're in the Usage business! We've put a major effort into building tools and services for you, and we keep a close eye on what you're doing with them. Here's what we notice… 1. Given our background it's probably no surprise that the most popular function is proofing PJ albums, or that the most popular album design method is getting us to do it for you (our design orders have doubled). 2. Our most active user has logged in 187 times! Is it a coincidence that (s)he also has the highest To View More >>

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We have noticed that some areas of Photojunction are experiencing speed issues with the new Mountain Lion (Mac OSX 10.8) upgrade. We have located a design issue where opening images in the layout tab is slow to load. We are currently working to adjust the program with new installers to fix this problem. If you come across any further problems of this nature please email us at and let us know. We will let you know when this issue is resolved. Edit: This issue has now been resolved. Thank you for your patience. Cheers, Amanda To View More >>

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Now you’re doing your own publishing, you have more to concern yourself with than the quality of your images. Of course people will judge you by those. You do so yourself. But they’ll also judge you by your writing, your tone of voice, your graphic design sensibilities. Plenty of people will judge you because you don’t know how to use apostrophes, or when to use i before e. These days plenty more will judge you for not re-reading before you publish, and so not noticing how predictive texting has messed up your sentences. Neither you nor I have a professional sub-editor polishing our stuff, To View More >>

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I got a few pats on the back for my "check your files" post. Chris Meiklejohn, our lab manager, liked it so much that she wanted a sequel. In fact she wrote one! The funny thing was my team mates had already got me one started on a follow-up, and the things on Chris' list were pretty much the same as ours. So, drum roll… (If you like this, I wrote it. Otherwise, it's Chris!) 8 ways to better print files Would you love to have your albums arrive on your doorstep faster, hassle-free, and beautifully printed? You put a lot of work into them, so they might as well be perfect. We definitely want To View More >>

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If you reopen an album in Photojunction after sending to Queensberry, you'll notice it's "locked" and cannot be modified. Why? Because if you were to make changes to the album after we've received the order, we'd be making something different, which would certainly cause us confusion – you, us, or all of us – as you can imagine. So if you need to make changes to the album, eg upload new files, or order an extra copy, you'll need to duplicate the album first. Cheers, Angelique To View More >>

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