

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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Interesting question from Sergey on my Opportunities post. What do you do if people want this cool album that they've never seen before – but they want to postpone the purchase, maybe until their first anniversary. Here's what we think. As they say, a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. I'd look for a way to sweeten the deal and get a commitment now. OK, we hate the D word, but maybe a discount would do the trick. Or arrange monthly payments via credit card, preferably with a deposit to cover your costs. Anyway, try hard for a commitment now, and get the album out there working for you. To View More >>

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It's not until you see the images of your wedding that you realise how incredibly important they are. That's how I felt when I looked at my wedding photos for the first time. I cried! - they were just so much more than what I'd expected, and each one holds a moment of absolute goodness. I'd say it's the same with an album - it's not until you see a book so carefully crafted to document your day that you realise how important this object is that holds these memories. That's what I have in mind when I'm laying out the images for a Musée. Every shot is incredibly special and chosen because the story To View More >>

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That recent New York Times article caused a kerfuffle by highlighting the impact of digital imaging, photo sharing, stock photography etc. In a nutshell, how does a professional photographer survive and thrive when imagery is everywhere, and generally free or nearly so? Or as Seth Godin put it, how are "average photographers" going to make a living shooting weddings "when the guests can do almost as well and all the photos are going on flickr anyway"? Case in point... Our own Danny married Natalie recently. Needless to say they hired a photographer ... but if they hadn't? They have heaps of photos To View More >>

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For those of you who don't live in Godzone (New Zealand, OK?) Vaughan Smith does the drive time show on New Zealand's top music station, The Edge. He and Fletch have arguably the funniest radio show in the country and I listen to them every day. So when I saw his album working its way through production I thought I'd grab the opportunity to ask him a few girly questions. Read on, ladies, he's not just funny, he's got a soft centre. • Tell us about how it all began - where did you and Sharde meet, and how did you make her fall for you? Like any good modern day romance, it was in the workplace To View More >>

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Doing their Chicken Little impression, the media say the sky is falling. Some of our clients are worried, but personally I wonder. Here's why. First, Heather and I have been through it before (no, not the great depression! that was our parents and grandparents)... 1. The 1984 New Zealand currency crisis (that might mean nothing to you, but our country almost went broke). 2. The 1987 share market crash. 3. The 1997 Asian financial crisis. 4. The 2001 Tech meltdown. Sure, they probably weren't as bad, but we survived them all. In fact in each of those years except 1984 our sales increased. And To View More >>

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