

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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Some of our clients enjoy smoother sailing than others. Less aggravation, calmer waters... An interesting thought whichever group you fall into! One important reason for this is that some of you understand our systems better than others. And yes, we accept we don't always do a good enough job of explaining them. One reason for this blog is to address the problem with bite-sized tutorials on topics suggested by you or our own staff. So over the next few days we’re going to discuss a few key issues. Here’s our goal: For you, an efficient, easy-to-understand system that gets you back to shooting To View More >>

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We've been talking a lot about smooth sailing lately, with two goals in mind. For you, an efficient and easy-to-use system. And for us, an order that's accurate, error-free and ready to go straight into production. Fair to say then, that it's in both of our interest to sail through the ordering and production process as quickly as possible. But when your order doesn't sail through - what holds it up? Here are a few simple things that we've found to be the most common cause of delays (long delays in some cases). 1) Missing print files (cover images) are the most common - people just forget to include To View More >>

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Last week's post about things that can delay your album made me think of this. Sometimes our staff feel the need to check things in orders "just in case". For example... An unusually spelled name. Could be a spelling mistake – better ask. An image file that's not up to your normal standard. Could be a problem - better ask. If there's something in your order that you know could raise doubts, please let us know: "Yes, the file's a bit dodgy but I have to use it - do what you can." Head off our query at the pass and get your album faster. Cheers, Ian PS Our staff aren't being pedantic, they're To View More >>

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A couple of weeks ago I posted about aggravating business policies and touch points, and asked readers to tell us about the things we do that's frustrating! We received three comments. One I've mentioned already, and the other two also raise important issues. Katherine (not her real name) emailed her account manager to say she doesn't like Photojunction. More important, she doesn't like feeling pressured by Queensberry into using it. She feels that if QBY were truly customer focused she wouldn't feel this pressure and could continue in the way that's suited her perfectly for the last seven years. To View More >>

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Alan (not his real name) and his wife were long-standing clients of one of our competitors. They came to us because they didn't like the way they'd been treated. Unlike Katherine, who likes us (even if she's frustrated), we haven't earned anything from Alan and his wife except a chance to win their business. Alan's customers really like our Duos, which of course they couldn't get before, but he finds designing and ordering them difficult. Alan designs them on paper and his wife recreates them in Remix. Alan's designs are reasonably complex, his wife is a fan of her old software (which can't To View More >>

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