

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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Follow the links for "the story so far" in our series on the recession... Yes, times will be tough for a while but you shouldn't assume the sky is falling. It makes no sense to sacrifice your business and market reputation to survive the short term challenge. Instead you may need to pull your horns in and find ways to prosper while others decline. A good place to start is by analysing your budget and business model, and we have a spreadsheet to help with that. Most people react to the threat of declining sales by saying, "I've gotta cut my costs". Everyone needs to work out their own figures, To View More >>

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Let's wrap up this Problem reporter series and stop ignoring the elephant in the room… Who needs a problem reporter anyway? After all, as we confirmed at the webinar it drives some people nuts. Well I'm glad you asked! I should start by saying it's not an unusual concept. Try googling "pre-flight", for example, and check out the Wikipedia and Adobe listings in particular. What the pre-flight process does in the printing industry is ensure that digital files sent for printing are all present, valid, correctly formatted, and of the desired type. Why? Because, if they're not, the job can't be done. To View More >>

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Following the recent webinar covering the Problem Reporter, I decided to cover the problems that happen AFTER the Reporter. First you might encounter problems exporting. Once you get those resolved, you need to send your order. Should be easy enough, and usually it is, but sometimes you can have problems there too. Since we don't have 24 hour support coverage, we thought it might be helpful to post some tips on how to resolve some of those issues too. Now when you go to send your order at 5AM, you might be able to help yourself before you even need us to help you! Problem #1: Photojunction Crashes To View More >>

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The computer you want to register needs to be online and you'll need your Account Number (don't worry if you can't remember it - just read on). 1) Download and install Photojunction Remix on your second computer, and open it. 2) Agree to the Terms and Conditions and hit 'Next'. 3) When the window below opens, enter your Photojunction ID (Account number) and password in the registration window. (If you can't remember them, click the 'Can't remember login details?' link and we'll email them to you.) You don't need to fill in the bottom half of the form because you already have an account. 4) Hit To View More >>

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If you've got something to sell, the Photojunction Store has huge potential. The store is an ’ online marketplace’ enabling you to buy and sell templates, actions and e-books - or whatever you think other photographers may be interested in. Since we made Photojunction free our active user base, downloads and registrations have all jumped dramatically. Partnering with the Photojunction Store offers you a way to reach those masses, sell your products, and boost your income in the process. So here's a quick look at how to start selling: Make sure you have the latest version of Photojunction To View More >>

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