
Recent posts
A couple of weeks ago I posted about aggravating business policies and touch points, and asked readers to tell us about the things we do that's frustrating! We received three comments. One I've mentioned already, and the other two also raise important issues. Katherine (not her real name) emailed her account manager to say she doesn't like Photojunction. More important, she doesn't like feeling pressured by Queensberry into using it. She feels that if QBY were truly customer focused she wouldn't feel this pressure and could continue in the way that's suited her perfectly for the last seven years. To View More >>
I posted the other day about this being a great time to consider whether any of your business policies and touch points aggravate your customers, and if so fix them. I included a PS saying we know we’re not perfect, and "if you reckon this is the pot calling the kettle black, please leave a comment or email us". I was glad I did because Mark went to some trouble to leave a lengthy comment detailing his frustration with us. My point here is not so much to talk about his particular issues (we've been in touch, of course, and we pretty much have to take what he says on the chin, and fix the To View More >>

We asked one of our print consultants about their commitment to sustainability a few days ago, and they were rather puzzled by the question. "But of course," they said. "It goes without saying doesn't it? Sustainable plantation paper ... ECF processing ... vegetable-based inks. We don't beat the drum about it, that's just the way it is these days." We feel the same way, but we're regularly asked the same question, so here's Queensberry's philosophy on the environment and sustainability... Humanity's biggest impact on the environment is generally from our daily practices. That coffee is gone To View More >>
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