

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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Evocative, adjective: bringing strong images, memories, or feelings to mind.  When we released our Vintage leathers last month they clearly struck a chord. Were we surprised? Not really, because when we first saw them we fell in love. And to Heather, in particular, they felt like a return to our beginnings. So ... what’s to love? The beautiful colours first caught our eye, but beyond that, they evoke such powerful feelings of nature, authenticity and, for Heather, who's our founder, memories. Natural because of their earthy tones, To View More >>

This entry was posted in by Alexandria Baugh | Leave a Comment

David with his Queensberry book We get to see many beautiful stories at Queensberry, and sometimes we need to share them. David Edmonson and his son Luke, both multi-award winning wedding, portrait and commercial photographers, are based in Dallas Texas. After a major health challenge David decided to take on a personal project, which this lovely book documents. I’ve don’t usually take books and albums home with me, but I just had to spend some time with this one, absorbing the images, reading the compelling words he uses to describe them, and the messages he wants his children To View More >>

This entry was posted in , by Sonya Baugh | Leave a Comment

We’re proud to be supporting David and Luke Edmonson at WPPI this year. They’re talking about perhaps the most important challenge facing every professional photographer – how to transform their passion for photography into a successful longterm career. Luke and David want to be known for producing great photography, and serving their clients — but of course every sustainable business needs to generate profits as well. We’re going to publish an article about their sales strategies shortly, along with some of their work, but first we thought you’d like To View More >>

This entry was posted in , , Loves not enough by Ian Baugh | Leave a Comment

What a difference two weeks make. Before the holidays the word of the day was over. Over Work. Over Shopping. Over Eating! Rested and restored the world looks a different place, and the word of the day is new. New Year. New Treasure Box. New Packaging. New Covers. New Books. New Pages. We’re welcoming 2015 with our most comprehensive product update in ages. And if you’re going to SWPP in London you'll be first to see them — Stephen and Sonya are looking forward to catching up. We'll have more about products and prices in just a few days, but meantime, what did we learn from To View More >>

This entry was posted in by Ian Baugh | Leave a Comment

As told to Cate Scaglione - Life As Fine Art “There is a space between imagination… and attainment…that may only be traversed by… longing.” ― Khalil Gibran, Sand and Foam The story of Cindy Harter Sims is about more than going from part-time hobbyist to full time award-winning photographer. Cindy’s is a tale about longing for all that life has to offer. Photography just happened to be her way of finding it. There is something about an image by Cindy Harter Sims. It’s an inexplicable surge of emotions that make you feel as if you’re To View More >>

This entry was posted in by Cate Scaglione | Leave a Comment