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If you're finding this year tough, and you've said, or thought, what's wrong, I'm not doing anything different... right there may be your problem. Just as things changed when you switched from film to digital, or PC to Mac, or Nikon to Canon, things have changed with the end of the party economy... Have you heard how much the Las Vegas convention industry is suffering because it's not a good look for corporations to go there to "party" when times are tough? This is probably not the best time to be selling party souvenirs. Your work needs to be significant, worthwhile, to survive the end of the To View More >>
PJ Remix is about two things. First, delivering a great user experience is life or death. We’re Ubergeeks. We want – no we need – to be cool. So our mothers and girlfriends will respect us, and so you do too. Second, we want to help you do business in the real world, without hassles. How boring is that? And how hard a point to get across! Sometimes we think it has all the sales appeal of day-old fish. So when we came upon this story recently we jumped on it because it's so CLEAR. Once upon a time a photographer designed some matted albums in InDesign because they didn’t like Photojunction. To View More >>
Hi All We're in the *studio* a lot at the moment. Here's a tour of PJ Remix from our strategic point of view ( 6 mins instead of 20! ). We touch on ideas and concepts important to us. 1. User Experience - it's gotta be cool, fun, and easy to use. 2. Pragmatic - it's gotta work, gotta be productive. 3. Integrate - it's gotta know about your lab and album vendor. We'd love to hear what you think of our ideas... You'll get more out of the higher quality video IMHO. Higher Quality Lower Quality Cheers Danny To View More >>
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