
Recent posts

To help promote our professional clients we've just updated the Queensberry photographer directory. You can now include up to four images to show off your work. Listings are absolutely free - so if you haven't already, now's the time to add some images and get the Queensberry website working for you. The directory link is right on our home page (Where To Buy) and gets a lot of traffic. When visitors open the directory it automatically searches for photographers closest to them, but they can also enter another location. Listings with images rank first - but distance from the search location and To View More >>

Want your album featured on our Facebook page or blog? Thanks to the PJ team, you can now send us ‘My Album's Hot’ submissions for Pressbooks, Overlay Matted and Flushmount albums (previously only available for Duo and Classic Matted albums). Just tick the box in the PJ album setup screen and your album (or book) will be submitted when you send your order. We aim to choose an album a day for our Facebook page, and one a week to feature on the blog. If your album is chosen, you get free publicity and cross-promotion with Queensberry. It’s a nice marketing opportunity and it only takes the To View More >>

THANKS FOR THE AMAZING RESPONSE AND KIND COMMENTS, EVERYONE. THIS PROMOTION IS NOW CLOSED. The festive season is fast approaching and we're in the mood to spread a little cheer. So we're opening up our santa sack to give one of our beautiful Press Books to a lucky photographer this Christmas. Up to US$400 value, which will get you a beautiful book! How to enter: 1. It's as simple as leaving a comment on this post! 2. For a second entry, share a link to this giveaway on Facebook or Twitter. Leave a second comment with a link to your shout out. Maximum two entries per person. So what are you waiting To View More >>

In case you missed it, you can now submit your albums (via Photojunction's Album Setup window) for featuring on our blog. We've had such a great response we're going to see if we can take it a step further… As well as featuring an album a week on the Queensberry Blog we're going to try for one per day on our I Own a Queensberry Facebook page (the first one has just gone up). Remember, before submitting your album design (, make sure you've got the right to use the images. And since we can’t cope with gazillions of submissions, please only click Yes when the album's REALLY hot. We’ll love To View More >>

Since our re-branding last year the front flyleaf of every Queensberry album has been embossed with the new Q-mark. Why's it there? It’s simple really: to sign our work with pride and to acknowledge the craftsmanship and detailing that goes into every album we build. We're doing the same thing that you do as a photographer when you sign your work. We're branding it. Let me explain in detail what we're doing and why, because our goal is to build a brand that will support you as our clients. § Branding is primarily about getting recognised - not a "camera" but a Leica, not a "wedding album" To View More >>
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