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We believe successful wedding and portrait photographers need to love two things — taking photos and making sales! So we love to see our clients running promotions, and we like to help with them if we can. You can run successful promos for any number of reasons, for example a Winter Sale, an offer to past clients or to book new ones. Or to promote a good cause, your new products, or your new website. The point is they're YOUR promotions. We're just here to help if we can, generally with 15% additional discount on all Queensberry To View More >>
We’ve been thinking a lot about how we can help our community get through everything going on in the world right now. So how can we help you navigate the storm? We’re asking you for input because we don’t know how things are for you personally. Yes we have our own ideas, but please send us an email so we can talk about yours. For now, please scroll down for details of a shared promotion offer, plus a discount on Workspace plans to get you into Print Shop at bargain rates. We’re not giants of the industry To View More >>
The four-week New Zealand COVID-19 shut-down starts 26 March. And since announcing that Queensberry's production will be on hold for the duration we’ve had lots of people asking whether Print Shop will be available. It's obviously unfortunate timing, but the short answer is yes. However, order deliveries will be delayed. Print Shop functionality will remain active in Workspace, and we encourage you to continue setting up — not just Print Shop but also, if you haven't done so yet, your standard Image Gallery shopping carts. The shut-down of person-to-person To View More >>
Queensberry and COVID-19 Update: Wednesday March 25th 2020 Hello everyone, In response to the COVID-19 pandemic the New Zealand Government has put the country on an “Alert Level 4” lockdown for at least four weeks effective tonight (details below). As a result we can now confirm that as of this afternoon the Queensberry Print Lab and Bindery will be on hold for that time. Many of our staff are already working from home, and today the rest of the team are busy sending out as much work as possible before they too self-isolate at home. Please continue to send in your orders, which we To View More >>

We love seeing our books and albums used for out-of-the-ordinary projects, so were delighted when Doyle Yachts asked us to create a book to promote their handmade sails. Months later and we get to share it with you. We love how powerful the full bleed pages look, and think this is going to really help set them apart. Doyle chose to order two 12x12 Q Book Lights, and asked us for a complete 80 page design (160 sides). This meant we had enough room for large images, but also space to incorporate text throughout the design to explain different aspects of the To View More >>
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