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Should you focus all your marketing energy on finding new customers? Maybe not! Generating extra revenue from the clients you already have can be simple, effective and very satisfying. This excellent article by Ago Cluytens explains a few ways to go about it, and in this post we're going to look at how to apply his ideas to your photography business. As you're reading, ask yourself, "How can I add value for my clients using these strategies?" It's not about taking, it's about giving more than people expect. 1. Cross-selling "...the To View More >>

Following the opening of The Papatuanuku Series we spoke to Tessa Williams from Moemoea Collective about the idea behind the work, and the launch itself. "Man, it really was just the most incredible evening! The atmosphere was on fire, with everyone who attended blown away, not only by the photos but the launch itself. I knew that the majority of the 150 who attended had never had the pleasure of going to an art launch, so I did everything I could to ensure they had the same experience as a regular gallery-goer, in the hopes to start them on their own art journey." "Young working families To View More >>

This is the second in a series about enhancing data privacy and controls in Workspace, especially in relation to GDPR. If you haven’t read our previous posts, start here. In today's post we discuss the privacy settings for Workspace online galleries, what each privacy setting means, and the changes we’ve made to ensure that your clients' data rights are protected. Photographs are considered to be personal data and are therefore subject to the rules about data protection. So if, like most photographers, you publish peoples' images in online galleries, or in sample albums To View More >>
You're probably aware of the widespread unease about data protection and privacy online — for example the Cambridge Analytica Facebook scandal and the other major data breaches that have been in the news so regularly. Protecting people's data is the focus of the European "GDPR" (General Data Protection Regulation), which comes into effect later this month. It applies to everyone who does business in the EU, including us and many of our clients. In brief the GDPR is saying that people have the right to complete control of their data, and that you, as To View More >>

The lead up to the holidays can be a very lucrative time for photographers, but it can also put pressure on getting product orders in on time, so your clients can have them for the holidays. One way to be very prepared is to bulk order Slip-in Mats and Studio Boxes. In Pearl or Carbon Buckram, these Boxes sell themselves. You can personalise them with your own logo on the lid. Branding products like this turns them into your silent salesmen when your clients take them home. Any unsold boxes or mats can carefully be tucked away for your next print reveal. If you’re printing To View More >>
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