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Even with digital images and online galleries everywhere, the most impressive way to show off your work is with a printed portfolio. A printed book shows more than your photography skills. It expresses your design abilities, your taste in materials and your high standards as an artist. If you're thinking about creating your own portfolio, here are some ideas to get you started. David Edmonson (and fur friend) browses through his 15x12 album David Edmonson (and fur friend) browses through his 15x12 album They're not like wedding and portrait albums To View More >>

There's something so special about homestyle photoshoots. I love how they capture the people in the photographs – this one of Libby, Katie and Bradley by Megan Graham is no exception. When we spoke to Megan about the album she responded with, "Libby was so photogenic, and Katie and Bradley were awesome to photograph first thing on a Saturday morning! We were under the watchful eye of their cat Ed the entire time, who made sure we looked after little Libby. It was such a fun session." Katie and Bradley ' chose an 8x8 portrait album with a simple Carbon Buckram To View More >>

Albums are a blank canvas on which to express your personal style and taste, and we love seeing the variety that comes through the Bindery. This week's album caught our attention with its brightly coloured graffiti backgrounds and interesting design. When we asked Daniel if we could feature it, he shared with us the humorous, heartwarming story of how the couple first met – as told by them, from both sides. Talk about a meet-cute! It reminded us of something important — "It's not about the album, it's about the photography." … But dig deeper and it's To View More >>

More updates to our Frame range. Let us know what you think! Circle apertures: Circles have made a comeback, can you believe it? After many requests we've just added them to our frame collection. Just select a template from our range for matted or un-matted frames when setting up your order in Workspace. Torn edge floating prints: Torn edge floating prints are available for frame sizes 10x8 and above. They're super impressive and look great big or small. They are only available with Fine Art printing and single apertures. Select Floating, To View More >>

Should you focus all your marketing energy on finding new customers? Maybe not! Generating extra revenue from the clients you already have can be simple, effective and very satisfying. This excellent article by Ago Cluytens explains a few ways to go about it, and in this post we're going to look at how to apply his ideas to your photography business. As you're reading, ask yourself, "How can I add value for my clients using these strategies?" It's not about taking, it's about giving more than people expect. 1. Cross-selling "...the To View More >>
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