

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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Johannes is half way through his MPA-sponsored tour of the UK. Coventry and Croydon are behind us and we're sitting in the BA lounge on the way to Falkirk with Staveley (sponsored by CPT) to come next week. He's had some very generous feedback, and well deserved I reckon. The estimable Simon Whitten called it "genuine, exceptional and inspiring" on DWF and a number of people have emailed Johannes directly. Quite apart from his photographic and design skills what always strikes me with Johannes is how genuine he is in getting to know his clients, so that he can apply his talents to their specific To View More >>

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A couple of weeks ago I posted about aggravating business policies and touch points, and asked readers to tell us about the things we do that's frustrating! We received three comments. One I've mentioned already, and the other two also raise important issues. Katherine (not her real name) emailed her account manager to say she doesn't like Photojunction. More important, she doesn't like feeling pressured by Queensberry into using it. She feels that if QBY were truly customer focused she wouldn't feel this pressure and could continue in the way that's suited her perfectly for the last seven years. To View More >>

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I read Ian's post on the Kodak Carousel and immediately wanted to put my hand up .... (a sling back to the days of discipline at a Catholic school). I'm probably stating the obvious but I felt the message was SO important that it deserved emphasising.  Yes, I understand the business side of the message but there was this other thing that became important too. The post has a video clip from Mad Men, a sublime tv program about an advertising agency in the States in the 60's. It's about the launch of the Carousel .... Forgetting the wonderfully clever pitch, the ability to turn an electromechanical To View More >>

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Being photographed for your wedding (especially your first one) is worth remembering. Well it should be!        Actually, no! The thing you shouldn't remember is being photographed. You should remember having a great time. You should remember laughing, feeling in love, being nervous, being energised, being with the one you love, being happy, but not "being photographed".  Your photographs should remind you of the feelings and emotions of the day, and not of somebody pointing a camera at you. This is an interesting concept ... The photographer as the facilitator for imagery that uses great To View More >>

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Every wedding photographer has an Uncle Ken story. I was hanging out at a wedding with photographer Brett Prestidge when I first arrived in the UK and something amazing happened... We met the ultimate Uncle Ken. Uncle Ken informed us that he had the okay from the bride and groom to do a big group photograph for them. It is so often the case that as professionals we arrive at weddings and somebody there has a bigger camera than us ... this time it was Uncle Ken. Brett and I were using small, discrete Leica M9s and M8s. So often Uncle Ken tries to take control. This Uncle Ken (his real name) earned To View More >>

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