

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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We're closing the gap on our timezone differences! We know it can be tricky when you're wanting to get under way with your work but you're battling with different time zones. We want to make getting in touch with us as easy as possible, so the good news is, we've extended our customer service support hours! From today onwards our open times are 6am to 5pm and 8pm to 12am Monday - Friday UTC/ GMT +12 hours. If you need help figuring it out, there's a handy time zone converter here. During these times you can also access our live help (available via our website). Please note we will not have To View More >>

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DHL recently announced that they are discontinuing their US domestic service (U.S Express) to focus on their more profitable international services. However this change won’t affect our service to you. That’s because the only services affected are DHL shipments being sent from one US location to another. We ship all our international orders direct from our bindery in New Zealand and DHL have assured us that this change won’t affect you or us in any way. We’re working hard to get as many orders as we can dispatched before our December close-down. Rest assured that our expected delivery To View More >>

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Our clients featured strongly again this year among the winners of the 2009 Annabel Williams Contemporary Photographic Training (CPT) Awards. Sarah Wright took out the Queensberry-sponsored Portrait Album category (we featured the wedding album category winner a few days ago). Ex-CPT student Sarah submitted this design of a portrait shoot of a teenager shot in the Borde Hill Gardens - a country estate in the South of England. “The subject really wanted a rural shoot as he loved the country side and country clothing – so I utilised the Estate’s striking features like the wrought iron gates, To View More >>

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When next you login to Workspace you'll see we've released an upgrade that makes major changes to the price list and shopping cart features. Largely these come from listening to your feedback as users, but we also need to change the way we handle taxes in Workspace at both the wholesale and retail level. We are sincerely grateful to our “early adopters”, and we’re sure you’ll like the changes - read on! - but if you’re already using these features you may need to edit your price lists, so this is an important heads-up. 1. You can now sell a range of Queensberry books and albums through To View More >>

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Wow, what a busy couple of weeks. The marketing team obviously thought we were getting a bit lethargic under our winter coats, so threw a special in your direction. The result is that Mid-Winter Christmas feeling going on and our departments all humming – the lab, the press people, the design team and the bindery going "gang busters". The tech support team certainly had the cobwebs blown out by all the questions from customers old and new. It's great to see so many people having a go at Workspace. Thanks for your business! I hope you'll be experiencing that Christmas feeling in a few days when To View More >>

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