

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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We have been running Live Help for a few weeks now and the response has been overwhelming. If you spot the little green button on most of our website links, click on it to connect with one of our team who can help with your queries. It certainly cuts out the emails, and we enjoy talking to you guys. If the button is grey it means we're not on line or are all busy right now, so just write your query and and we will answer with an email as soon as we possibly can. Help is never too far away. Cheers, Pete To View More >>

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Have you ever wanted a Photojunction or Workspace tech sitting on your shoulder as you work? We have introduced a new service which is a little more comfortable for us and most likely a little less painful for you (trust me, I'm not a featherweight). Live chat is a new feature you'll find in Queensberry Workspace (in fact on all our web and blog pages). If you are used to instant messaging such as SMS messenger, this will be a walk in the park for you. Whenever you see a green logo like this one, it means there's someone available at Queensberry to talk to you right now. If it's a different colour, To View More >>

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I think it's fair to say we are living in more challenging times than we were five years ago. The biggest world recession in our life time. Decreased global demand and the relentless media working 24/7 to scare the hell out of everyone everywhere. But as my cliched one-liner says, that’s the time us tough guys get going. If there’s reduced demand it's got to be about us thinking, working, and living smarter than our competition. If there’s less money going round I/you/we need to make certain we still get our fair share. And in a crazy sort of way this makes me feel that, despite the doom To View More >>

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My daughter is two, going on three, and fiercely, frustratingly independent. If you're a parent you'll recognize this. She'll spin around and around trying to get both arms up one sleeve of her top. You just have to sit back and wait until she either succeeds, or crashes and burns in a big heap on the ground in tears. If she owned a computer she'd be throwing it out the window, and we all know how she feels. Where I am going with this is, please call us before you feel like doing the same. Someone phoned recently and said, "I've wasted a week trying to make this work". But if the phone call had To View More >>

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I know how to type, have a good grasp of English, know how to spell – but that doesn’t mean I could or would or should try to write the next John Grisham. Having a pen doesn’t make me a writer. Having a camera doesn’t make me a photographer. Having a computer doesn’t make me a designer… To be a designer takes talent, knowledge and practice. You need to understand balance, beauty, symmetry, asymmetry, flow, pace, shape, unity and contrast. Being a great visual story teller requires all those qualities. It also requires the understanding that that’s what you’re doing - telling a To View More >>

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